Browsing: Africa

After the Nigerian Civil War (1967–1971), the country embarked on ambitious industrialization efforts to rebuild its economy and diversify beyond its reliance on oil revenue. This period saw the implementation of various policies and initiatives aimed at promoting local industries, infrastructure development, and economic diversification.

This article delves into the remarkable contributions of African inventors whose ingenuity has transcended borders, breaking new ground in technology, medicine, agriculture, and more. Join us as we celebrate these trailblazers and their groundbreaking inventions that continue to impact our world today.

Uncover the truth about Cleopatra, the Greek Queen of Ancient Egypt. This article delves into the life of Cleopatra, challenging common perceptions and revealing her true Greek heritage. Explore her reign, her alliances with Roman leaders, and her enduring legacy. A captivating journey into the complex history of one of the most powerful women of the ancient world.

Unearth the dark history of the Cobalt Curse in this comprehensive blog post. Journey through a century of exploitation and genocide in The Congo, where the quest for cobalt has left a trail of devastation. This post delves into the socio-political implications, the human cost, and the enduring impact of this grim chapter in history. Join us as we shed light on the untold stories of those affected by the Cobalt Curse and explore the path towards justice and reparation.

On June 16, 1976, thousands of black students in Soweto, South Africa, took to the streets to protest against the apartheid regime’s imposition of Afrikaans as a medium of instruction in their schools.